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Miracote MiraFlex II Decking System is a multi-layered promenade deck coating consisting of formulated resins, cementitious underlayment and waterproof membrane. Designed to provide a decorative finished waterproof deck surfacing, MiraFlex II is ideally suited for either new construction or deck renovation. MiraFlex II is also available as an under tile roof deck membrane system for application over approved wood or concrete substrates. MiraFlex II finished promenade roof deck, with proper preparation, can be applied over concrete, magnesite, elastomeric decking or plywood. For application over plywood, a metal lath reinforced underlayment (MiraPatch Series) is applied prior to the application of MiraFlex II Decking System.

Decorative Diversity

MiraFlex II can be finished with Miracote MPC, MiraStamp to afford a textured, impression, stencil patterned, knocked down, splatter or broom finished profile. The finished surface can be stained much in the same was as decorative concrete prior to application of protective clear sealers.

Where to Use

MiraFlex II Decking System is designed to provide a waterproof promenade traffic roof deck surface coating for use on exterior or interior walking decks, balconies, ramps, stairs, patios, sun decks, play roof, observation decks, platforms, etc.


  • Hospital Cafeterias
  • Kitchens and Bathrooms
  • Patios and Balconies
  • Shopping Malls
  • Stadium Concessions

Miraflex II - Plywood Substrate Material Estimator

Square Feet of Project
Lineal Feet of Metal Flashing
System ComponentCoverage RateMaterial Needed
Miraflex Membrane B400-lf / gal
Expanded Metal Lath "1.75"18-sf / sheet
16 Gauge Steel, 1" Wide Crown Staples28-staples / sf
MiraPrime Universal Primer (MPC Catalyst diluted 1:1 with water)400-sf / gal
MiraPatch Liquid43-sf / 1.25 gal
MiraPatch LM Powder43-sf / 1 bag
Optional* Membrane A Primer >90°F required (Membrane A diluted 1:1 with water)400-sf / gal
Membrane A - First Coat64-sf / gal
Membrane A - Second Coat with Poly Fabric50-sf / gal
Poly Fabricper square foot
MPC Powder - First Coat (1 MPC bag : 2.5 gal MPC Catalyst)250-sf / mixed unit
MPC Catalyst - First Coat (1 MPC bag : 2.5 gal MPC Catalyst)250-sf / mixed unit
MPC Powder - Second Coat (1 MPC bag : 2.5 gal MPC Catalyst)250-sf / mixed unit
MPC Catalyst - Second Coat (1 MPC bag : 2.5 gal MPC Catalyst)250-sf / mixed unit
MiraGard ColorBond XL - First Coat250-sf / gal
MiraGard ColorBond XL - Second Coat250-sf / gal
Optional Sealers depending on location, sevice, use, and exposure
MiraGard HDWB320-sf / gal
MiraGard HD 400320-sf / gal
MiraGard HD 50320-sf / gal
MiraThane WB250-sf / gal

Beautify Your Concrete

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