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Miracote ColorPax U pigment is a formulated coloring dispersion that is mixed with low VOC clear urethane or polyurea based systems. Easy to ship Safe to use Mixes well with Miracote CQ Clear Epoxy ColorPax U creates a homogenous coloration dispersed in Mi...
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Miracote ColorPax U pigment is a formulated coloring dispersion that is mixed with low VOC clear urethane or polyurea based systems.
- Easy to ship
- Safe to use
- Mixes well with Miracote CQ Clear Epoxy
ColorPax U creates a homogenous coloration dispersed in Miracote Low VOC Polyurethane or Poly-Urea coating products to create a full depth color that is colorfast, resistant to degradation.
- Classrooms
- School Cafeterias and Kitchens
- Media Centers
- School Locker Rooms and Restrooms
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- Plant Cafeterias
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- Stadium Concessions
ColorPax U Documents
ColorPax E Specifications
Q & A