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Mfr:Carlisle Coatings & Waterproofing

CCW WIP 300 HT 36" x 66' Roll - White Film |Sunshine Supply


Mfr. Part #: 305148

WIP 300HT is a high-tensile-strength rubberized asphalt underlayment specifically designed to withstand temperatures up to 250°F (121°C). Ideal for use under metal including copper, zinc and COR-TEN® (consult Carlisle's technical department for installation instructions), WI...

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About This Product


WIP 300HT is a high-tensile-strength rubberized asphalt underlayment specifically designed to withstand temperatures up to 250°F (121°C). Ideal for use under metal including copper, zinc and COR-TEN® (consult Carlisle's technical department for installation instructions), WIP 300HT can also be used under synthetic, concrete and clay tiles and asphalt shingles. This strong, skid-resistant membrane provides superior protection from water penetration caused by wind-driven rain and ice dams.

Features & Benefits

Protects the roof structure from water seepage caused by ice dams and wind-driven rainsResists temperatures up to 250°F without degradation of the adhesive
Seals around roofing nails, staples and screwsSplit-release film provides easier, faster installation
Resists cracking, drying and rotting, providing long-term waterproofing performance and low lifecycle costConcealed waterproofing system will not detract from the architectural aesthetics of the primary roofing system
Exposed rubberized asphalt bead along the membrane edge ensures watertightness of lap seams180 days exposure time


SizePackaging SizeItem
36" x 66'(1) RollCCW WIP 300 HT (this item)



Applicable Standards

UL ClassifiedICC-ES ESR #2206
2009, 2012, and 2015 International Building Code™Florida Building Code Approved Product #6785
Meets ASTM D1970Miami-Dade County Product Control Approved
ASTM E108/UL 790 Class A Fire Resistance2016 California Green Building Standards, Title 24
2015, 2012, and 2008 ICC 700 National Green Building Standard


WIP 300HT should be installed when air, roof deck and membrane temperatures are at or above 40°F (4.4°C).WIP 300HT should not be left exposed to sunlight for more than 60 days for black membrane or 180 days for white membrane.
WIP 300HT membrane should not be folded over the roof edge unless protected by a gutter or other flashing materials.The primary roof system must be ventilated to prevent excessive moisture build-up in the interior structure.
Use caution during the installation of the membrane as it may become slippery when wet or covered with frost.WIP 300HT must not to be used in contact with PVC material.
WIP 300HT is not approved for use in foam set tile applications.WIP 300HT is not designed for wall assemblies.


Carlisle WIP products are backed by Carlisle’s industry-leading warranty. Carlisle WIP Products will display optimal performance when stored under recommended conditions and used within one year of date of manufacture. Product installed after one year of date of manufacture is not covered under defect warranty. Visit Carlisle's website for warranty details.


CCWWIP300HT-W.RL*NA Documents


CCWWIP300HT-W.RL*NA Specifications

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